罗红 中材国际南京水泥工业设计研究院,江苏南京210029
摘 要:正确合理的选择水泥机械设备的润滑方式和润滑剂.是保证其正常运转的关健.并影响企业效益。文章全面总结了回转窑、篦冷机、磨机、输送机械及大型风机的润滑技术和润滑剂的选择。其中,(1)回转窑的托轮支承装置一般采用油勺供油的连续循环润滑方式或油泵强制供油系统,润滑油选用韬80重负-荷工业齿轮油;传动大小齿轮的润滑一般采用带油轮或喷雾的润滑方式,润滑剂宜选用粘度高、吸附性强、极压耐磨性好、具有点阵晶体结构的固体润滑剂;(2)篦冷机中传动减速机的润滑一般采用浸油飞溅润滑;托轮,挡轮轴承的润滑一般采用干油集中润滑的方式,润滑脂一般选用锥入度310~340的^#1极压锂基润滑脂;(3)磨机中传动装置一般采用稀油润滑站循环润滑和冷却的方式;主轴承或滑履轴承的润滑一般采用高低压稀油润滑站循环润滑和冷却的方式,润滑油一般选用N320工业齿轮油。[著者文摘]
关键词:润滑方式 润滑油 托轮支承装置 齿轮 篦冷机 磨机 双线分配器
分类号: TQ172.6[免标]文献标识码:B文章编号:1007-0389(2006)04-0048-03相关文献:主题相关 参考文献 引用本文
Lubrication of mechanical equipment in cement plant Luo Hong(SINOMA Nanjing Cement Design and Research Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210029)
Abstract:For mechanical equipments in cement plant, proper method and the right lubricant is the key factor of normal running, The paper summrized lubrication technology and the selection of lubricant for rotary kiln, grate cooler, mill, conveyor mechanical equipment and large scale fan as following, (1)in rotary kiln, apply oil spoon of circulatory lubrication or pump forced oil supply system in the roller supporting mechanism and use ^#680 high load industrial gear oil, and use lubrication method of idle oil wheel or spray in drive gear wheel and select solid lubricant which has high viscosity, strong adsorbability, good abrasion resistance in utmost pressure and lattic crystal structure, (2) in grate cooler, use immersion oil lubrcation in reducer and boiled oil centralized lubrication method in supporting roller and guide roller bearing, choose ^#1 limit pressure lithium lubrcant grease, (3) in mill, use circulatory lubrication with fluxing oil station in drive mechanism and circulatory lubrication with high-low pressure fluxing oil station in main beating and sliding shoe bearing and select N320 industrial gear oil.[著者文摘]
Key words:lubrication method; lubrication; roller supporting mechanism; gear wheel; grate cooler; mill
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